Confidentiality of Personnel Deliberations
Composition of Departmental Personnel Committees (Probationary and Temporary Appointment, Retention, Tenure, and Promotion, and Evaluation of Temporary, Probationary and Tenured Faculty)
Composition of Departmental Personnel Committees
The department annually elects 3 personnel committees.
The probationary and tenured faculty members of the department or equivalent unit shall elect a peer review committee(s) of tenured faculty members. When there are insufficient eligible members to serve on the peer committee, the department shall elect members from a related academic discipline(s).
(The Committees, as a whole, must take responsibility for the following tasks: Probationary Appointment; Temporary Appointment; Retention, Tenure and Promotion; Range Elevation; Evaluation of Temporary Faculty; Evaluation of Probationary Faculty; Evaluation of Tenured Faculty (Post-Tenure review); Evaluation for Request to Emeritus status; and Collaboration on the Development of Individual Professional Plans. It is required that each unit indicate below which Committee is responsible for each of these tasks.)
Committee Titles and Responsibilities |
Number of Members (at least 3; all tenured full-time) |
Number of Alternates (1 or more; all tenured full-time) |
Appointment Committee A: Review of probationary and temporary; also makes recommendations regarding range elevation issues. Also, works with probationary faculty regarding individualized professional plans. |
3 Faculty Assistant, Associate, or Full (1 Probationary Faculty may be elected) |
1 |
Retention, Tenure and Promotion Also works with tenured faculty regarding individualized professional plans |
3 Associate to Full (as appropriate) | 1 |
Evaluation of Temporary Faculty |
3 Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor | 1 Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor |
Evaluation of Tenured Faculty Committee Full professors evaluate and recommend appointment, retention, and promotion of tenure-track faculty. |
3 Full Professors (Associate as needed) | 1 |
Eligibility for Committee Service and Balloting
Recruitment of Probationary Faculty
Appointment of Probationary Faculty
Personnel Action Files
Individualized Professional Plans
Eligibility for Tenure and Promotion
Area of Specialization | Terminal Degree |
Interdisciplinary Studies, as: Chicana/o/x Studies, Latina/o/x Studies. Ethnic Studies, American Studies, and women, and Gender & Sexuality Studies |
Ph.D. |
Social Sciences, such as: Political Science, Sociology, and Psychology | Ph.D. |
Humanities, such as: English, History, Comparative Literature, and Spanish | Ph.D. |
Law | J.D. |
Arts, such as: Film, Theater, and Visual Arts. | M.F.A. or D.F.A. |
Education | Ed.D. or Ph.D. |
Evaluation of Permanent Instructional Faculty
Category B: Activities considered appropriate as "scholarly and creative activities" for the discipline are:
Presentations and publications in standard, refereed professional outlets and forums, including but not limited to papers, articles, chapters, monographs, and books. For faculty in performance disciplines, presentations and performance in juried venues.
Category B: Professional Achievement
The Department of Chicana(o) and Latina(o) Studies recognizes the importance of its faculty to make contributions in the diverse fields of Chicana/o/x and Latina/o/x Studies. As such, the department RTP Committee has adopted a "spectrum of expectations" related to evaluating professional achievements. In addition to traditional scholarly research and creative endeavors, faculty in the department are urged to develop Community-Engaged Scholarship predicated on interrogation, analysis, and the diverse production and dissemination of knowledge-based upon mutually beneficial and reciprocal partnerships involving CLS and community members. Moreover, faculty are also encouraged to work collaboratively with networks of students, faculty, and community stakeholders to establish spaces for critical scholarship grounded in the mission and principles of the Department.
All tenured and probationary faculty going up for tenure and promotion are expected to have produced critical examples of rigorous scholarship in academic, creative, or community-oriented outlets related to Ethnic Studies and/or subfields or study, which include, but are not limited to:
- Publication of full-length manuscript in university and non-university presses
- Publication of peer-reviewed articles in reputable outlets
- Publication in edited books and anthologies in reputable outlets
- Books chapters in scholarly texts and textbooks
- Publication of research conducted with community partners in academic or non-academic outlets
- Publication of academic conference/meetings proceedings
- Publication of peer-reviewed case studies
- Publication of peer-reviewed teaching materials
The RTP committee will also take into consideration other contributions including:
- Creative works: films, dance and theater performances, art installations, exhibits, festivals/events
- Sponsored grants, fellowships, and leaves secured through external or internal competitions
- Digital dissemination of research including blogs, webinars, podcasts, and journals
- Media and public presentations to wider audiences for which the faculty member is considered an expert
- Service as an editor or reviewer for peer-reviewed journals
- Book reviews in peer-reviewed outlets
- Provide scholarly expertise for community-engaged activities and provide evidence of dissemination/impact
- Presentations in research conferences, scholarly programs and/or regional and national research forums and professional meetings; and organization of conferences/scholarly programs
- Organization or participation in workshops related to relevant field
The College RTP Committee takes a holistic approach to evaluating the balance and cumulative body of work of an individual faculty member, given their unique commitments, contributions, and strengths in all areas of professional achievement. We will review impact based on a variety of factors relevant to the field, such as the impact on the field. The RTP Committee will review and assess the impact of your scholarship based on a number of criteria including, but not limited to those listed below:
- Dissemination, for example, number of listeners or amounts of readers of participants, exhibition of project
- Duration of project
- Communities enagegd
- Originality/innovation of the project
- Institutional or systemic change
Committee Procedures
Review of Faculty Holding Joint Appointments and of Faculty Active in Interdisciplinary Programs
Student Consultation in Academic Personnel Processes
Oral Testimony
Role of Department/Division/School Chair or Director
Appointment of Temporary Faculty
Evaluation of Temporary Faculty
Student evaluations for each class the part-time instructor(s) taught required as well as classroom visitations in selected classes. The committee reviews syllabi and instructional materials used in each class in terms of their content and pedagogy. Instructors are strongly encouraged to include accomplishments in the file to demonstrate currency in the field. Examples of currency in the field, include but not limited to, conference presentations, community projects relevant to teaching area, publications in standard, refereed professional outlets and forums, including papers, articles, chapters, monographs, and books. For faculty in performance disciplines, presentations, and performance in juried venues.